Sunday, September 16, 2012

Tree Climbing!

 Ta-Da!!! Here we go with my newest experience! Pretty soon I will be starting some photo stories so stay in touch!!
 SO i took my humans camera this morning along with her tripod, and figured out how to use the timer to take pics of myself so here is the first one! Me with a bush haha veeery interesting!
 Me with a flower! The sun was setting fast as you can see!
 Hahaha I got some sun in my face so I may have squinted just a bit!
 Yes yes yes! I have found a new friend, another bug! But soon after this pic he hopped away ;(
 Smelling flowers!
 Ouchh first try at climbing a tre.. didnt go too well!
 now this shot took alot of test pics to get it timed at the right angle, but i got it!
 Tree bark is rather lovely isnt it
 I love these big ivy leafs! Theyre the size of my head!
 I just had to stop real quick
 Just for a little rest!
 And we shall now continue walking!
 First successful climb!
 And by the third tree, Im practically a pro tree climber ;)
 But the ground seems reeeally far from here...
 I guess I can just stick it out up here a little longer..


And thats the end of my climbing experience.. for hopefully a long time! My human had to come get me down... so embarassing :(

Oh well im still alive!!
See you all soon (:



  1. You are so good with cameras!!!! I love her outfit, the new meet is adorable.
