Monday, February 11, 2013

GOTY 2014?!?!?!

Sorrysorrysorry! I know I promised a school post tonight but more important things have come up! Many of you propbably allready know this but I was just looking on a trademarking site that lists everything trademarked by companies and under the American Girl trademarks it says on November 16 2012 they officially trademarked the name Isabelle


I think this might be the name of GOTY 2014!! I might be wrong but here is the link to see for yourself!

She has been filed under "DOLLS, DOLL CLOTHING AND DOLL ACCESSORIES" so I really think this means that they will be releasing a GOTY or Historical named Isabelle!! Ahhhh!! I'll keep you guys updated with anymore news I can get on this!

Bye guys <3


PS. if you use this info in your own blog or youtube video please link back to here! thanks!!


  1. If I like her I'd name her somthing else, the name Isabelle dont cut it for me.

    1. Well, Isablle is pretty, and I like it an all, but I agree with Morgan. I think I would re-name her. Make her middle name into Isabelle and then her first name Isadoor (it is a real name) and her name would be shortened to Izzy. ;)

    2. I agree with both of you! I like the name belle though! maybe id just shorten it to Belle, isadoor sounds like a really cool name!

  2. Thank you for sharing!
    Ps. I used It on my blog but gave you credit

    1. awesome thanks for the credit, i love your blog!!!

  3. Isabelle is a nice name!! Maybe they could make her like win like pageonts or stuff like that, then Isabelle could stand up for herself and she could still win the pageont for standing up for herself!! Maybe shes all like tom boyish and hates Pageonts and she could have brown / black hair, grey eyes like molly and she could be wearing her Pageonts dress / her hoodie and sneakers outfit for her meet outfit!
